Aine O'Mahony

Aine is founder and Director of CXCO, a strategic innovation and customer experience consultancy. Aine has over 15 years experience in the creation and implementation of customer-centred strategies and offers, and has lead large teams in creating innovative, experience-based customer propositions that drive customer growth, loyalty, advocacy and acquisition.

Aine is passionate about building customer centred organisations and designing superior customer experiences. She is driven to develop unique, valuable and viable solutions, and she strives to ensure all defined solutions are engaging, sustainable, and provide real business value.

She has held lecturing positions for graduate and post-graduate tertiary level courses in design and business, and is certified in workplace training and assessment.

In previous roles she was Director of Experience Architecture for a team of over 30 consultants. She has consulted to clients in Europe, the US, and Australia. Some of her previous clients include Commonwealth Bank, Vodafone, ING Direct, NBN Co, NAB, IBM, Westpac, BT, AXA, AMP, Westfield, Toyota, Expedia and the NSW Government.